Emilia and Villalba (Margarita Xirgu and Ricardo Puga) have had a happy marriage until the murder of the prostitute Lilí casted a shadow over it. Her brother, Augusto, is accused of the crime and sen...
Dr. Arne Lundell, a brilliant young assistant in a mental hospital, is accused of plagiarising his thesis from a work published simultaneously by his superior, Professor Zander. The film proper begins...
The Serbian LawyerDocumentary about lawyer Marko Sladojević, who defends Serbian politician Radovan Radovan Karadžić in his trial before the Den Haag International Criminal Court. Karadžić is acc...
In Athens a little while before the explosion of World War II Niki (Tzeni Karezi), a servant of the Army General Staff, is accused of leaking top secret documents to an Italian agent. The accusation i...
Angeliki (Pemi Zouni) is accused by her mother of ‘living in her own world”. She rebels when her family decides to commit her autistic sister (Dimitra Chatoupi) to a psychiatric hospital. She take...
Even though the adopted son of a businessman is not favored by his father, he runs the family business. He is secretly in love with his cousin’s wife, and when she asks him to suggest thirty workers...
A poor young couple, Martha and Manos (Niki Triantafyllidi and Tolis Voskopoulos), who have grown up together, are in love. Martha’s financial problems force her to marry a rich man (Vasilis Andreop...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film synopsis: Anna Boleyn is the niece of the Grand Duke of Norfolk and is called to serve Queen Catharine at her court. One day in the castle, a s...
Pytlák (František Kudláček) se opírá o zábradlí, Žofka (Marta Friedmanová) ho drží za paži. V rohu místnosti sedí JUDr. Mácha (Miloš Vávra) u stolku. Za pytlákem stojí strážník.
Na pravé straně fotografie jsou 2 muži, kteří mají na sobě oblek, vestu, košili, kravatu, klobouk a v rukách nesou kufry. U domu stojí žena a muž v uniformě a pes.