A young factory owner, Kostas Chatzipavlou, in his desire to win Elli (daughter of industrialist Achilleas Karmpantis), who had once slapped him during a soccer game, gets hired as a worker at her fat...
When her lover (Nikos Tzogias) is brutally murdered, the accused woman (Eleni Chatziargyri), although innocent, refuses to defend herself, in an effort to avoid confessing a secret that would destroy ...
A young woman, Marina, is accused of kidnapping her child. Years earlier, when she was a singer in a nightclub, she fell in love with and married a sailor, Andreas, over the objections of his sister a...
During German Occupation, a mother will lose her child after the death of her well-off husband. Her mother-in-law will take her son with her. He grows up without ever seeing his mother again. However ...
A young farmer, Dimitris (Petros Fysoun), is wrongly accused and sent to prison for poisoning the livestock of his sweetheart’s father (Jenny Roussea and Grigoris Vafias respectively). But the truth...
A dropout (Nikos Xanthopoulos) is accused of the murder of his singer friend (Voula Avramidou). A policeman (Giannis Argyris) investigating the murder is in pursuit, and the man hides in the house of ...
A young girl from the country (Eleni Prokopiou) comes to Athens and finds a housekeeper’s job at the house of rich man (Mitsos Lygizos). Soon, the man’s son (Nikos Dadinopoulos) falls in love with...
Alexis Sigridis finds himself accused of the murder of Kostas Giamakis. Martha Antoniou, the mother of Aliki (fiancée of the victim) testifies in court that her daughter and Alexis were planning to m...
Pytlák (František Kudláček) se opírá o zábradlí, Žofka (Marta Friedmanová) ho drží za paži. V rohu místnosti sedí JUDr. Mácha (Miloš Vávra) u stolku. Za pytlákem stojí strážník.
Na pravé straně fotografie jsou 2 muži, kteří mají na sobě oblek, vestu, košili, kravatu, klobouk a v rukách nesou kufry. U domu stojí žena a muž v uniformě a pes.