Towards the end of the German occupation during World War II, 40 men are executed in a village in Crete as punishment for the death of two German officers. Maria, who is in charge of bringing up her l...
An eminent judge is brought face to face with a youthful peccadillo when he recognises as none other than his illegitimate daughter a young woman accused of murdering her illegitimate child, fruit of ...
A police officer (Pantelis Zervos) takes on the challenge of uncovering a gang of youths accused of theft, dealing in pornography and even murder.
A melodrama based on a theatrical play by the French playwright Alexandre Bisson, with the grand lady of the Greek theatre, Kyveli, as the leading actress – in her second and final appearance on fil...
The film is about the well-known “Polk case”, involving the murder of the American journalist George Polk, who had come to Greece to interview Markos Vafeiadis and was found dead under mysterious ...
Andreas Politis (Giorgos Konstas) is a writer who stays isolated in the country house of his ex-wife (Smaragda Smyrnaiou) in order to finish his book. The disappearance of a neighbor becomes a source ...
The Minister of Industrial Development faces two problems. One the one hand, his wife, after her unsuccessful suicide attempt, turns against him and takes up with his former associates, who oppose the...
A hard-working man (Tolis Voskopoulos) is accused by his girlfriend’s brother of stealing from the company he works for. The owner of the company is his girlfriend’s father (Lykourgos Kallergis). ...
Pytlák (František Kudláček) se opírá o zábradlí, Žofka (Marta Friedmanová) ho drží za paži. V rohu místnosti sedí JUDr. Mácha (Miloš Vávra) u stolku. Za pytlákem stojí strážník.
Na pravé straně fotografie jsou 2 muži, kteří mají na sobě oblek, vestu, košili, kravatu, klobouk a v rukách nesou kufry. U domu stojí žena a muž v uniformě a pes.