Willem, an old fisherman, finds a pocket-book on the sands. He is obliged to share half of its contents with Frits, one of his comrades, who sets out on a voyage the following day. The fisherman gives...
The district attorney Filippos Lianas takes on a major murder trial. The advocate for Sofia Roussou (who is accused of murdering the painter Alexis Platonidis, a white slaver known as Ariel) keeps adm...
Church "St. Nedelya" after the bomb explosion. Uniformed firemen enter the church, remove debries and dig out dead bodies. A memorial service for the victims is held at the Sofia cemetery. The accused...
A young man is accused of his wife’s murder, and, unable to prove his innocence, he goes into seclusion on a deserted shore.
Jan Vogel, foreman at the Van Haaften pottery, is busy with a new process for painting porcelain, but so far his experiments have failed. His employer, also in financial difficulties, cannot give him ...
After a tragic misunderstanding, farmer Stathis Karatasos (Angelos Antonopoulos) is accused of being the leader of an infamous gang. He manages to escape right before his execution, but the police are...
The Cypriots’ fight against British occupation is depicted through three stories. A fighter (Petros Fysoun), after meeting Grigoris (Michalis Nikolinakos), a friend of his, leaves the mountain where...
Three friends (Vlasis Bonatsos, Panos Chatzikoutselis and Christos Valavanidis) are accused of robbing a bank. The robbery, however, was just another effort by the State to reinforce its collapsing ec...
Pytlák (František Kudláček) se opírá o zábradlí, Žofka (Marta Friedmanová) ho drží za paži. V rohu místnosti sedí JUDr. Mácha (Miloš Vávra) u stolku. Za pytlákem stojí strážník.
Na pravé straně fotografie jsou 2 muži, kteří mají na sobě oblek, vestu, košili, kravatu, klobouk a v rukách nesou kufry. U domu stojí žena a muž v uniformě a pes.