Report on the Red Cross hospitals in De Panne and Nieuwpoort during the First World War.
News footage filmed almost entirely by Ernest De Bock, a printer who ran the Gaumont cinema in Temse. He filmed local events, edited them and did the inter-titles. A second cameraman worked on the fil...
Chain of pictures and moving images about the origination of the annual Yser pilgrimage from 1920 to 1929.
Tribute to former mayor of Brussels: Adolphe Max.
Four individual newsitems. One item specifically focuses on World War I: the 60th anniversary of the Armistice is being commemorated in the presence of Prince Karel and mayor Jan Piers in Ostend. They...
Hybrid film, including American film war propaganda footage, concerning the diplomatic relations between Germany and the United States during World War I following the case of Miss Cavell, a source of...
Hundred year anniversary of the Belgian revolution (which resulted in the independance of Belgium in 1830).
The Stock Exchange in London "closes its doors" in 1914 - a crowd is clustered around it. "Germany mobilises," a pre-war German training exercise with the troops in Prussian blue, not field grey: a 77...
There are three men in the foreground, in the middle is Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk. Behind them walk another men, woman and girl in a folk costume.
An Austrian officer controles outfit of his soldiers.
A man and policemen in the arcade.
Austrian soldiers and a group of children and civilians.
A group of Austrian soldiers. In the foreground stands Jiří Voldán (actor: Vladimír Ch. Vladimírov).
A group of soldiers. A man with the guitar is Jiří Voldán (actor: Vladimír Ch. Vladimírov)
Recruitment commission. In the foreground stands Jiří Voldán (actor: Vladimír Ch. Vladimírov).
A scene from the battlefield: barbed wire, barrier, explosion and immobile lying body.
Dehnow, Fritz: „Zensur und Sittlichkeit“ Der Kinematograph 382 (1914). Die Mängel der Zensur lägen nicht in den Gesetzen, sondern in deren Anwendung. Die Zensur sei aber notwendig, um die öffen...
Horst Emscher, Der Film im Dienste der Politik, Der Kinematograph, 410, (1914), S. 15-16. Der Autor hebt hervor, dass die Kriegsführung auf publizistischer Ebene, mit der die Meinung des Auslands bee...
Edgar Költsch, Die Vorteile durch den Krieg für das Kinotheater, Der Kinematograph, 407, (1914), S. 11-12. Auch wenn es nicht so aussehe, habe das Kino durch den Krieg einen Aufschwung erlebt. Insbe...