Newsitems. Amongst others, General Foch and Johnson having a conversation.
An unidentified news report about various aspects of the First World War. Great emphasis is being placed on the British Army and the recruitment of soldiers.
War-time report, probably broadcasted in November 1919.
Report on the Red Cross hospitals in De Panne and Nieuwpoort during the First World War.
News footage filmed almost entirely by Ernest De Bock, a printer who ran the Gaumont cinema in Temse. He filmed local events, edited them and did the inter-titles. A second cameraman worked on the fil...
Chain of pictures and moving images about the origination of the annual Yser pilgrimage from 1920 to 1929.
Tribute to former mayor of Brussels: Adolphe Max.
Four individual newsitems. One item specifically focuses on World War I: the 60th anniversary of the Armistice is being commemorated in the presence of Prince Karel and mayor Jan Piers in Ostend. They...
Still with Carl Clewing (front, on the left)
Paul Kronegg, Traute Carlsen, Franz Herterich (from left to right)
Still with Henny Porten
Still with Alice Verden, Erich Ponto (both on the left)
Still with Alexander von Antalffy (on the left)
G.W. Pabst (Mitte), André Saint-Germain (rechts) (Dreharbeiten)
Szene aus "Das Geheimnis des Ingenieurs Branting"
Paul Hartmann
B.T., Messters Kriegskinos, Der Kinematograph, 437, (1915), S. 19. Meldung, dass die Firma Messter die Erlaubnis bekommen habe, regelmäßig an der Westfront Filmaufnahmen zu machen.
Emscher, Horst: „Der Krieg und die deutsche Filmindustrie.“ Der Kinematograph 404 (1914): 5-6. Erörterung der wirtschaftlichen Lage der deutschen Filmindustrie. Entgegnet dem Vorwurf, dass die Be...
Sellmann, Adolf. "Neue Lehrhafte Filme (Von Mitte August bis Anfang Oktober)", Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III, 1 (1913/1914): 20-22. A.S. stellt die neuesten Lehrf...
Die Rohfilmsorge, Der Kinematograph, 456, (1915), S. 15. Bericht über die Auswirkungen des kriegsbedingten Rohstoffmangels auf die Filmindustrie.