Newsreel about dailly life in the French trenches during the First World War.
A group of officers and civilians attends the assembly and test-firing of the 240mm Trench Mortar.
This newsreel consists of 6 parts, showing soldiers training, ruins, life in the trenches, and German prioners of war in a camp in Brittany.
Well behind the lines, a mass of soldiers, most probably from 123rd Division semi-posed as if waiting for transport. A senior officer is with them, possibly Lieutenant-General de Riols de Fonclare, th...
The film opens with Marshal Joffre talking to General Pershing. It then shows French soldiers in the rear area peeling potatoes, moving around woods, saddling pack horses to take them for a ride, and ...
The journalists watch a demonstration of trench fighting in the training trenches. They inspect the trenches. The men of the division march past, and their commander, Brigadier-General F S Meighan, ta...
The men are due to serve with the French Army. They practise a river-crossing using pontoon ferries, drill and bayonet exercises on a parade ground, digging trenches in the scrub and making a mock att...
The film chronicles the battle for the conquest of Adrianople during the First Balkan War. Tha battle was fought between the 21 and 22 March 1913.
The battle of Zborov: Austrian soldier (left) and Russian one in the Austrian trenches.
The battle of Zborov: Austrian trenches.
The batttle of Zborov: A board with the slogan in Austrian trenches - "Wer diese Stellungen erstürmt vernichtet Österreich."/ "A conqueror of this position will defeat Austria".
Vene 14.korpuse 12.ratsa-suurtükiväedivisjoni vaatlustorn metsas.
Vene 14.korpuse 2.Orenburgi kasakapolgu positsioon rindel, näha samovar.
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