Film footage of unclear provenance from the First World War, showing French soldiers in various situations: marching and on parade, in trenches and other shelters, at fortification work and meetings. ...
I. 'THE OLDEST REGIMENT: The Buffs (East Kents) stationed at Winchester is the oldest Regiment in the British Army'. Posed MS of a group of officers. Men fix bayonets and march off past camera. Rifle ...
The officers' mess, a building away from the battle zone, of 58th (Vaughan's) Rifles, with officers entering and leaving. Pan over a group of soldiers from 57th (Wilde's) Rifles. An outdoor "durbar" (...
I. (Reel 1) The opening shows a demonstration by a group of soldiers of the correct methods of carrying, wearing, cleaning and removing the gasmask, including running at the double while wearing it. T...
I. 'WOMEN LAND WORKERS. Appeals are made by the Government for help on the land. Some of the women who have answered their country's call.' Men at work in a field of tobacco - they are cutting down th...
I. 'ALLIGATOR FARM. An alligator farm at Los Angeles, the reptiles answer the call at feeding time and attack a huge pile of meat fastened to the ground with iron stakes.' MLS as young adult alligator...
Footage from the Italian colonial campaign in Libya in 1911: a battery in an oasis; trench digging; a farmhouse occupied after a bombing; the loading of three hundred prisoners.
The trenches at home. Imperator-Film / Janssen wants to make his brother-in-law Kramer buy war bonds. / Buy war bonds! / “You have to! Do not abandon those just outside your door! If you don’t car...
The battle of Zborov: Austrian soldier (left) and Russian one in the Austrian trenches.
The battle of Zborov: Austrian trenches.
The batttle of Zborov: A board with the slogan in Austrian trenches - "Wer diese Stellungen erstürmt vernichtet Österreich."/ "A conqueror of this position will defeat Austria".
Vene 14.korpuse 12.ratsa-suurtükiväedivisjoni vaatlustorn metsas.
Vene 14.korpuse 2.Orenburgi kasakapolgu positsioon rindel, näha samovar.
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