Troops build a corduroy road to prepare for the advance over broken ground. A galloper rides up to a field battery with fire orders and a map. Transport on the move up a road. The attack on 14th Octob...
November 1916. Funeral service for the victims of November 14. General Plentey, who is deputy mayor and in command of Place d'Amiens, gives a speech at the Hôtel-Dieu. Arrival at the cathedral.
Shots taken from a plane flying above the Alps. Also shots of the plane itself.
Flyvning. Forskellige dobbelt-vingede flyvemaskiner letter fra Kløvermarkens flyveplads på Amager. Flyvemaskiner giver opvisning i luften. Faldskærmsudspring. Fly lander igen.
The film shows a plane trip with a Handley Page plane from the airfield Gardermoen to the airfield Kjeller
A Nieuport 27c Scout of 60 Fighter Squadron, badly damaged outside a hangar, with mechanics removing a damaged wing. Three men working in a mobile repair shop (see the same scene in IWM 118 THE EYES O...
Images, from 1914, of the production of airplanes: A double-decker is taken outside and the motor is assembled on it. The plane can be transported entirely in parts, as a construction kit.
Hybrid storytelling about the famous Belgian martyr, whose good intentions resulted in her own killing. The staged scenes are being interspersed with archival footage, mostly concerning several milita...
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga lennuk “Nieuport”.
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga “Voisin” lennuk suuskadel.
Allakukkunud Vene sõjaäelennuki rusud.
Allakukkunud lennuki rusud.
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga kahe hukkunud lenduri surnukehad, üks neist leitnant [Anikin].
Allakukkunud lennuki rusud (detail).
Allakukkunud lennuki rusud.
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga lendur alamleitnant Dobrovolski lennuki kokpitis.
Die Kommunalisierung, Der Kinematograph, 672, (1919), S. 32-33. Plädoyer gegen die Pläne der Verstaatlichung aller Kinos. Die Verstaatlichung schade nur dem Staat, blähe die Bürokratie unnötig au...