The film is jumbled, with the title appearing some time after the start. It opens with two FBA Hydroplanes riding at moorings, silhouetted against the sunset on the water. The captions explain how use...
(Reel 1) Aerial view of Cranwell. Medium close-up of Commodore Luce; instruction of trainee ground crew and probationary flight officers; wireless school; gunnery practice with Maxim MG and Lewis on s...
The pilots start at a Cadet School where they are taught drill and basic skills. "The first necessity of an airman is that he must have discipline." The cadets are in various British uniforms, and inc...
(Reel 1) The troopship SS Barpeta brings a fresh contingent for the squadron into Karachi harbour. The men travel by train on to Ambala, where they get their first real view of India, including a hook...
A kite balloon is positioned by RFC ground staff and ascends over a small village. The view down from the basket and a (faked) close-up of the observer and signaller spotting from the basket. A 60-pou...
The team lines up for a group photograph. In turn, they are Squadron Leader A H Orlebar (captain), Flight Lieutenant F W Long, Flight Lieutenant J N Boothman, Flight Lieutenant G N Stainforth, Lieuten...
Part 1 Military airfield of Jagdstaffel (hunting group) 9; orders given by the group leader; „Albatros CV“ takes off on a mission; aerial photography of localities; encounter with captive ballloon...
The first test on 20th July is carried out with a Camel without hydrovanes or external air bags. Flying straight and level the machine glides out over the harbour and tries to belly-land on the water....
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga lennuk “Nieuport”.
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga “Voisin” lennuk suuskadel.
Allakukkunud Vene sõjaäelennuki rusud.
Allakukkunud lennuki rusud.
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga kahe hukkunud lenduri surnukehad, üks neist leitnant [Anikin].
Allakukkunud lennuki rusud (detail).
Allakukkunud lennuki rusud.
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga lendur alamleitnant Dobrovolski lennuki kokpitis.
Die Kommunalisierung, Der Kinematograph, 672, (1919), S. 32-33. Plädoyer gegen die Pläne der Verstaatlichung aller Kinos. Die Verstaatlichung schade nur dem Staat, blähe die Bürokratie unnötig au...