I. 'FIGHTING DISEASE. Troops in the Balkans being inoculated against enteric etc., before going up to the Front.' Australian troops stand in line in the open-air, left shirt sleeves rolled up to recei...
The wrecks of two aircraft which collided are shown, neither identifiable.The art students, including girls, are in fancy dress. They play leapfrog, improvise a foxtrot, and play up for the camera.The...
A 145mm naval gun is stuck in soft ground despite all efforts to pull it clear with ropes. Finally sledges are fitted to the wheels and it is dragged clear. A squadron of Nieuport 28s parked on an air...
I. 'SIDECAR OUTING FOR WOUNDED SOLDIERS: Wounded soldiers from St Thomas's Hospital enjoy a run to Burford Bridge, where they are entertained by Alderman Duncan Watson'. The soldiers sit on the steps;...
I. 'SOUTH LONDON HEROES. Dr. Taylor the Bishop of Kingston unveils a War Shrine in memory of local heroes at St. Mark's Kennington'. Boy Scout band marches through the gates to Saint Mark's - Oval tub...
The film is compiled, rather than edited, by joining together four original films. (Reel 1) First IWM 31 INLAND WATER TRANSPORT, EGYPT and IWM 2 44TH REMOUNT SQUADRON ON THE EGYPTIAN COAST. (Reel 2) F...
Anzac Beach in July 1915 (not "May, a month after the landing". See Notes - Summary). Men of the ANZAC Corps help build Watson's Pier. Further up the beach, caves and shelters have been dug into the h...
A French vet and two British vets check a bandaged horse in the open on the 'hospital' (obviously a farm). All the vets, including two women, wear operating gowns from time to time. A British vet uses...
Ehitatav angaar Riia Bikernieki lennuväljal [1917].
Vene 23. korpuse lennusalga lennuk “Dekan” angaaris.
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga telgid Ankru (Spilve) lennuväljal [1917].
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga telgid Ankru (Spilve) lennuväljal [1917].
Kariloomad söömas Riias Kuznetsovi vabriku lähedal asuval lennuväljal [1916].
Kariloomad söömas Riias Kuznetsovi vabriku lähedal asuval lennuväljal [1916].
Vene 23. korpuse traadita telegraafijaam koos meeskonnaga lennuväljal [1916].
Vene 23. korpuse traadita telegraafijaam koos meeskonnaga lennuväljal [1916].
Die Kommunalisierung, Der Kinematograph, 672, (1919), S. 32-33. Plädoyer gegen die Pläne der Verstaatlichung aller Kinos. Die Verstaatlichung schade nur dem Staat, blähe die Bürokratie unnötig au...