An overturned 18-pounder field gun with the dead bodies of its horses and crew beside it. Soldiers, including a Lewis gunner in the foreground, holding a slit trench. Cavalry officers (dismounted) hol...
I. 'ON THE CAMBRAI FRONT. Rushing up ammunition, building new roads and consolidating our gains.' Artillery limber crosses muddy ground at the gallop, while another stands in mid-screen, apparently bo...
I. 'U.S.A. v MEXICO. In view of the grave situation the American fleet, prepared for all eventualities sails for Mexican waters.' MS off the starboard bow of USS Michigan - the frame cuts the picture ...
I. 'RE-ORGANISING THE SERBIAN ARMY. The Serbs who are born fighters, receiving instruction in Swedish Drill, preparatory to taking their place in the trenches against the Bulgars'. Men run through PT ...
I. 'THE GUARDS SPORTS: Lifeguards give a demonstration of horse jumping over difficult obstacles, at Windsor'. Showjumping exhibition in an open field; it is raining, and the field is overgrown. The s...
I. 'COATBRIDGE CARNIVAL: Wounded Scotch (sic) soldiers being well looked after by Scotch (sic) lassies at the carnival in aid of limbless soldiers and sailors'. Scottish band playing. Food and drink a...
I. A recently recaptured area. A school class is held in the open air. An officer of 102nd Infantry Regiment gives small gifts to the children. The gifts include small French flags. The children's fac...
I. 'GUNS FOR SALONIKA: Unloading an enormous gun from a transport and mounting it on its gun carriage'. The barrel of a large calibre gun is lowered on ropes and pulleys over the side of a ship. Austr...
Ehitatav angaar Riia Bikernieki lennuväljal [1917].
Vene 23. korpuse lennusalga lennuk “Dekan” angaaris.
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga telgid Ankru (Spilve) lennuväljal [1917].
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga telgid Ankru (Spilve) lennuväljal [1917].
Kariloomad söömas Riias Kuznetsovi vabriku lähedal asuval lennuväljal [1916].
Kariloomad söömas Riias Kuznetsovi vabriku lähedal asuval lennuväljal [1916].
Vene 23. korpuse traadita telegraafijaam koos meeskonnaga lennuväljal [1916].
Vene 23. korpuse traadita telegraafijaam koos meeskonnaga lennuväljal [1916].
Die Kommunalisierung, Der Kinematograph, 672, (1919), S. 32-33. Plädoyer gegen die Pläne der Verstaatlichung aller Kinos. Die Verstaatlichung schade nur dem Staat, blähe die Bürokratie unnötig au...