In detail, the howitzer is loaded and fired, probably in the Péronne area. The guncrew uncovers the camouflage sheet from the howitzer. Then a posed group of the gunners, showing their cap badges cle...
Documentary dedicated to the artillery assigned to the Italian troops in Africa, shot by Luca Comerio in 1912, while the war in Libya was underway. The video is a copy from the film print preserved in...
1. Zwischentitel: Alle in den Kämpfen beschädigten Geschütze werden hier wieder in Stand gesetzt, nur die ganz unbrauchbar gewordenen kommen zur Heimat. 2. Zwischentitel: Morgen-Apell. Bild: Morgen...
1. Zwischentitel: Bild: Kriegszerstörungen und Ruinen in Étain. 2. Zwischentitel: Die Kirche von Etain, ein Opfer französischer Granaten. Bild: Die zerschossene Kirche von Étain. 3. Zwischentitel:...
An 18-pounder field gun battery emerges head-on out of a farm courtyard onto a very wet and muddy road. RFA gunners pack 18-pounder shells into wooden boxes for transportation. A 4.5-inch field howitz...
I. At the show an RHA troop demonstrates a fast gallop followed by a controlled trot. A jumping race for riders of one horse while leading another horse on a tight rein. Wrestling on horseback and a f...
Interaction between heavy artillery on a railroad and the air force during the Somme offensive: the role of optic telegraphy and aerology. The artillery and air force in the Verdun region: loading and...
Fragment of newsreel or reportage about World War I with the label "Une réserve d'obusiers". The film content is just a pan from left to right which shows a long guns battery. The guns are aligned in...
Saksa jalaväe kuulipilduja.
Õhutõrjeks kasutatav suurtükk Vene 23. korpuse rindelõigus [1916].
Vene 23. korpuse suurtükiväedivisjoni 6-tolline meremortiir [1916].
Vene 23. korpuse suurtükiväedivisjoni 6-tolline meremortiir [1916].
Vene 23. korpuse suurtükiväedivisjoni 6-tolline meremortiir [1916].
Vene suurtükiväelane 4-tollise välisuurtüki juures.
Vene suurtükiväelased välisuurtükist laskmas.
Õhutõrjeks kohandatud suurtüki laadimine.