The battery canters into a field and unlimbers, deploying its guns, then relimbers and canters off. The battery canters in column head-on out of the field and turns away when close to the camera. One ...
The film opens with an unrelated shot of troops digging a trench line. It continues as Portuguese mule-drawn field gun limbers come down a steep grassy bank towards the camera. They turn and wheel on ...
A kite balloon is positioned by RFC ground staff and ascends over a small village. The view down from the basket and a (faked) close-up of the observer and signaller spotting from the basket. A 60-pou...
The howitzer is in a leafless wood. Its crew remove its camouflage, load the howitzer and elevate it (this is the number 4 gun of the battery). They uncover a pile of shells and roll them forward read...
British rough material of the Battle of Amiens, Western Front, mid-August 1918.
An Indian mountain battery with 10-pounder mountain guns. A British 2.75-inch mountain gun (?) dug in on a hillside under scrim netting. Another 2.75-inch on a raised platform. A 13-pounder anti-aircr...
I. 'ROYAL FIELD ARTILLERY: Although Germany started superior to the Allies in Artillery, the conditions have rapidly changed. Some of the R.F.A. on a recruiting campaign in the City'. Horse-drawn arti...
Bahnhof einer Feldbahn an der deutschen Westfront im 1. Weltkrieg.; Verladen von Material für den Straßenbau, Verpflegung wird zur Front gefahren; Ein erbeutetes englisches Lager, englische Lebensmi...
Saksa jalaväe kuulipilduja.
Õhutõrjeks kasutatav suurtükk Vene 23. korpuse rindelõigus [1916].
Vene 23. korpuse suurtükiväedivisjoni 6-tolline meremortiir [1916].
Vene 23. korpuse suurtükiväedivisjoni 6-tolline meremortiir [1916].
Vene 23. korpuse suurtükiväedivisjoni 6-tolline meremortiir [1916].
Vene suurtükiväelane 4-tollise välisuurtüki juures.
Vene suurtükiväelased välisuurtükist laskmas.
Õhutõrjeks kohandatud suurtüki laadimine.