The print is without intertitles and shows images dedicated to various aspects of the First World War and military life. Probably is a collation of sundry material belonging to different documentaries...
Heimkehr des Hilfskreuzers "Wolf" nach 15-monatiger Kreuzfahrt im Atlantischen, Indischen und Stillen Ozean. Der 1. Offizier, Kapitänleutnant Schmehl, auf der Kommandobrücke; Einlaufen im Kieler Haf...
Wrecked houses, the result of shell-damage, are shown in the suburbs which were part of the French position. A German trench captured by the French is also shown.
The French forces in the Battle ...
The villa of Berti Soderini at Nervesca, containing frescoes by Paolo Veronese, shows extensive damage as the result of an Austrian bombardment, "the Hun touch".
Newsreel item on damage done by A...
The inside of the church is shown for a few seconds, it shows some shell damage. According to the caption "the Germans show no respect for churches".
Extremely brief newsreel item on damage to a ...
The brigade, raised in Camberwell, parades through the streets on its way to join 33rd Division at Bulford. The streets are lined with people as the limbers move past.
Newsreel item on CLVI Briga...
A Serbian officer scans the distance with binoculars as the French gunners set the fuses on their field gun's shells and fire a round. (The caption says the gun is a 75mm, but it appears to be an obso...
The men prepare to fire the gun, elevating the barrel. Then they are shown posed for the camera standing on and around the gun.
American gunners with a French 400mm railway gun, probably near Mai...
Saksa jalaväe kuulipilduja.
Õhutõrjeks kasutatav suurtükk Vene 23. korpuse rindelõigus [1916].
Vene 23. korpuse suurtükiväedivisjoni 6-tolline meremortiir [1916].
Vene 23. korpuse suurtükiväedivisjoni 6-tolline meremortiir [1916].
Vene 23. korpuse suurtükiväedivisjoni 6-tolline meremortiir [1916].
Vene suurtükiväelane 4-tollise välisuurtüki juures.
Vene suurtükiväelased välisuurtükist laskmas.
Õhutõrjeks kohandatud suurtüki laadimine.