Family sends daughters off to school. One of them - Elvyra goes to first grade. Vilnius 5th orphanage‘s first-grade pupils with flowers in the school yard. The school‘s eleventh-grade pupils prese...
Plungė seven-year school's young scouts and their leader Irena Jasinskaitė look at the material about revolutionary Vladas Rekašius which had been collected by the scouts. The scouts found a place ...
The Song Festival in Vingis Park of Vilnius. It is dedicated to the Lithuanian SSR 20-year anniversary. Concert of united choir. During the songs views of Lithuania are shown, shot from an airplane. V...
The 20th anniversary of pioneer palace in Kaunas. Pioneers bring the flag of pioneer palace in. Speeches of Vice President of the Executive Committee of Kaunas Narkevičiūtė, Director of the pioneer...
Vilnius 27 secondary school scouts produce photographs from their trip to Moscow. Pioneers are walking around Vilnius visit V.I.Lenin square and Communard Street. Former revolutionary Mr.Budinas tells...
Documentary film about activities of the selection station of Dotnuva. It tells the story of the most famous scientists of the station, their derived species, performed tests, co-operation with Russia...
Essay on the 2nd Sport Competition of the Lithuanian SSR in Vilnius. Opening of the Competition: boxers, divers, hurdle race. Rowing race in Trakai. Basketball, soccer teams etc. Athletes march in the...
Political, ideological, propaganda film about the silk fabrics factory‘s "Kaunas Cloth“ working team. Daily work of the best weavers and factory managers and their cooperation with the fraternal S...