The Haná and Valašsko Region Exhibition in the town of Holešov has been opened. Then we can follow a ceremony parade marching through the town. The folk feast also includes a folk wedding in Haná ...
During one of his strolls through the countryside, the student Niky meets the actress Eva, part of a film company that has come to the country for shooting. However, when the company director falls in...
An introductory shot of the Rieger Square in the town of Mšeno is followed by another shot showing a man walking through a rocky pass and carrying a piece of log on his shoulder. From the top of the ...
Two girls dance at a saloon, one wears a white dress, the other a black dress-A bandit arrives-The bandit quarrels with a guests over one of the girls-The fight continues onto a cliff-The bandit throw...
The production procedure of pottery items. A potter is making a jar the following way: centring of clay, shaping on the potter's wheel, fixing of a handle, cutting off of the bottom by a piece of wir...
A film about the three friends from a village below Karlštejn castle, one of which returns home from the war as a Russian, the second as a French legionnaire and the third as an Italian legionnaire. ...
On 26th June 1926 there was the Gymnastic Festival of the Čížek's Sokol Group held in the town of Hořice v Podkrkonoší. The programme included the following exercise pieces: exercises with rings...
The town of Bratislava, welcoming of the delegation at the railway station. Officers, a military band, guests. A view of the town of Brno, Špilberk, the railway station in Brno. Ceremony welcome of t...
A scene of street fights.
Only preserved fragments from the film are available.
Armed villagers kidnap Ruth (actress: Nataša Cyganková) - the daughter of the Jewis inn-keeper (actor: Alexander Šuvalov).
Ondráková (actress) on a coat and scarf, Pelíšek (actor) on a pullover. There is a slogan on the wall: "Only for ladies".
From the left: housemaid, chief butler (actor: Luigi Hofman), old houseman Jan (actor: Josef Šváb-Malostranský) and Dagmar - the wife of the landowner Dražický (actress: Anny Ondráková)
Olga Augustová (actress) as "The Lady with the Small Foot" and Gustav Machatý (actor) as "Detective Tom Machata".
Dagmar (actress: Anny Ondráková) and Ješek (actor: Karel Lamač) - "arrival from the darkness"- the ancestor of the landowner Dražický watch themselves.
The elderly Mr Máček likes young women and girls and he always takes the opportunity to try to make their acquaintance. He is only sorry he is not younger. When he discovers the existence of an elix...
Československý film. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (16.12.1918)-Vol. 3, No. 12 (18.06.1921). -- V Praze : Syndikát československých půjčoven filmových : Československý film, sdružení českých výrobe...
Československý film. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (16.12.1918)-Vol. 3, No. 12 (18.06.1921). -- V Praze : Syndikát československých půjčoven filmových : Československý film, sdružení českých výrobe...
Československý film. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (16.12.1918)-Vol. 3, No. 12 (18.06.1921). -- V Praze : Syndikát československých půjčoven filmových : Československý film, sdružení českých výrobe...
Československý film. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (16.12.1918)-Vol. 3, No. 12 (18.06.1921). -- V Praze : Syndikát československých půjčoven filmových : Československý film, sdružení českých výrobe...
Československý film. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (16.12.1918)-Vol. 3, No. 12 (18.06.1921). -- V Praze : Syndikát československých půjčoven filmových : Československý film, sdružení českých výrobe...
Československý film. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (16.12.1918)-Vol. 3, No. 12 (18.06.1921). -- V Praze : Syndikát československých půjčoven filmových : Československý film, sdružení českých výrobe...