A critical propagandistic documentary compiled of archival footages depicting crimes of Germans on the Czech land, including intertitles counting how many war crimes were committed by Nazis and maps r...
A film celebrates the first anniversary of the end of the WWII. It shows documentary scenes of the WWII fights in Prague, while concentrating on the building of the Old Town Hall.
A reflection of horrors executed by the Nazi regime in Czechoslovakia and abroad. The film focuses mostly on the documentation of concentration camps, mass graves and an accusation of representatives ...
A story of a famous Schicht soap factory located close to Czech-German borders founded by the Schicht family. The film presents Georg Schicht as a traitor of the Czechoslovakia as well as a supporter ...
A documentary film rhetorically based on a well-known dispute between the inhabitants of the cities of Eastern Bohemia - Pardubice and Hradec Králové. A man from Hradec and a woman from Pardubice ar...
Documentary film from the First World Festival of Youth and Students in Prague 1947. It presents the arrival of individual delegations to Prague and a selection of sports activities and dance or music...
A film about the first post-war October in Prague is also an experimental work in colour documentary. in addition to the colors of the autumn trees, it also plays with the colors of the neon lights an...
A documentary film comparing current / everyday and historical / noble aspects of Prague.
Polodetail Anny (Anny Ondráková) na tmavém pozadí
Polykarp flirts with a girl on the tram and his hat flies off in the wind. He runs off after it and he meets Mimi. He walks with her through the snowy city streets. He arranges to meet her at three o'...
Prisoner and warden take a dead man out of the pulley.
Four weary old bachelors are driving back from a party. They fall asleep on the divan and they dream that fairies are dancing around them - a symbol of nuptials. In the morning, however, they swear th...
Myzet (actor) holds a bundle in his hand; the second one is Pražský (actor).
Běla (actress: Nataša Cyganková) sleeps, Hanč (actor: Theodor Pištěk ) stands over her.
Štěpán Potocký (actor: Hugo Svoboda) and Mařička Holých (actress: Bronislava Livia)
Kadlecová (actress) on a wedding dress with a veil. Nedošinská (actress) on a dark long dress.
Film distributing company applies for censoring of the film "Božská žena". The film was qualified for public screening – ban for young people.
Film distributing company applies for censoring of the film "Berlín - Alexanderplatz". The film was completely interdicted.
Censurní sbor poradní (Censor Advisory Board) suggested qualifying the film "Bez peněz to jde také" for public screening - ban for young people.
Film company applies for a new censoring of the film "Idiot". The film was qualified for public screening - ban for young people; this permission wasn´t valid in Slovakia.Date of issue of the first (...