The first performed scene is telling a local legend about a weaver who is walking through a forest and gets scared by his own weaving warp, which he regards to be a dangerous snake. This legend has gi...
At the occasion of the Charity Party officers with their families are meeting with young soldiers. The military band is playing in the pavilion, people are promenading, and soldiers are arrayed and sa...
A parade of people wearing historical costumes is marching through the town of Nový Jičín. We can also see allegorical trucks in the parade.
Train with the Emperor Charles I. is arriving at the station. Military cavalry is preparing for the festive visit. The Mayor of the Town and church dignitaries welcomes the Emperor, accompanied by the...
First May procession moves from Wenceslas Square to the Národní třída [the National Avenue], and then to the Střelecký Isle and Žofín. Among banners we can see mottos calling for Czech Indepen...
A film walk through Prague, to busy Wenceslas Square and Old Town Square, focused on notable sights of the New Town and mainly the Old Town of Prague.
On September 16, 1923, I International Car Races were held in Plzeň. Motorcycles and automobiles were weighed with a town weighing machine. Then all the cars went through the streets of the town. Fol...
President T. G. Masaryk is getting off the train in Domažlice, he is welcomed by the town representatives. From there he is taken in a coach in a ceremony parade, accompanied by the Sokol cavalry. He...
Man and woman watch the famous castle Karlštejn.
Stáza (actress: Anna Iblová).
Janota (actor: Bedřich Karen) holds Stáza (actress: Anna Iblová).
Irča persuades her parents to accompany her on a last meeting with Lexa before she enters the convent school. The next day Lexa arrives at the station to see her off and Irča gives him her nightdres...
Irča persuades her parents to accompany her on a last meeting with Lexa before she enters the convent school. The next day Lexa arrives at the station to see her off and Irča gives him her nightdres...
Sylva Baranová (actress: Zdena Kavková) speaks to captain Roman Degar (actor&director: Vladimír Slavínský)
Sylva (actress: Zdena Kavková) on a snow.
An old woman remembers the love of her youth. As the beautiful Columbine she spends a night of love in the arms of an infatuated Pierrot. In the end, however, Pierrot transforms himself into Death. (B...
Film distributing company applies for censoring of the film "Moderní doba". The film was qualified for public screening - full permission
Censurní sbor poradní (Censor Advisory Board) suggested qualifying the film "Tunel" for public screening - ban for young people.
Film distributing company applies for censoring of the film "Bez peněz to jde také". The film was qualified for public screening - ban for young people.
Censor Advisory Board suggested to qualify "Pudr a benzin" for public screening with the exclusion of youth. Application of film distributing company for awarding the film by cultural-educative predic...
Rudé Právo - Večerník, 199
Film distributing company applies for censoring of the film "Hraběnka Marica". The film was qualified for public screening - ban for young people.