A trip flatboat is sailing through the Svatojánské (St. John's) Rapids towards the town of Štěchovice. They are passing the Záhoří Hotel, the rocks Velký Bednář and Mařenka, the Ferdinand´...
Unorganized film material contains film shots presenting Konstantinovy Lázně (Constantine Spa) - spa buildings, rooms, patients working in the garden, medical inspection, spa guests playing chess, s...
A promotion movie presenting the beauties of the capital city of Czechoslovakia, Prague. It presents the most significant Prague historical architectonic sights. The major part of the film focuses on...
The atmosphere on the airport situated in the town of Kbely near Prague during the air race for the trophy of the President. We are watching various shots documenting taking off and landing of planes,...
Chotěboř - an old town situated in the Czech Moravian Highlands. However, the film authors mainly focus on its present development. The film shows all the buildings related to the town administratio...
A film view of the architectonic sights of the historical centre of Prague and the everyday life in the Prague streets (Wenceslas Square, Na Příkopech Street, the Old Town Square, Charles Bridge, Ka...
Ing. Hanuš Karlík, the Chairman of the Sugar Industry Association and of the National Economic Institute died in January 1927 in Prague in St. Henry's Church. The funeral took place in St. Nicolas's...
A film stroll through the historical town of Tábor (its square, town hall) and its quarters (Kotnov, Podsklaí, Pintovka). Views of the neighbouring sights (a pilgrim place of Klokoty, Čelkovice, ru...
Marwille (actress) in the middle of the photo. Merhaut (actor) on a dark coat and top hat. Vladimírov (actor) stands opposite Merhaut.
Levínská (actress) on a stripped dress with a straw hat on her right hand. Innemann (actor) on a dark suit.
On the left side of the photo stands Bondy (actor) on a white shirt with a bow tie and cap on his head. Kahlenbacher (actor) speaks to Bondy. Seidl (actor) stands on an apron hehind them.
Hlavsa (actor) on the black dressing with the sabre. Krampera (actor) is also in black with a cap.
Daisy - the banker´s daughter (actress: Anny Ondráková) and the Duke of Pommery (actor: Theodor Pištěk).
A female artist is troubled that she cannot finish her painting of the wandering Jew Ahasuerus. So she sends her obedient husband to find a model. After a careful search the husband eventually finds s...
Daisy - the banker's daughter (actress: Anny Ondráková) in a light dress with King of Fashion (actor: Leon Poiret) surrounded by mannequins.
Rautenkranzová (actress) on the bench. Bělohoubková (actress) stands nearby the bush, behind the bench stands satyr.
Film company applies for a new censoring of the film "Modche a Rézi". The film was qualified for public screening - ban for young people.Date of issue of the first censorship permission: 6.10.1926. E...
Censurní sbor poradní (Censor Advisory Board) suggested qualifying the film "Ekstase" for public screening - ban for young people.
Film distributing company applies for censoring of the film "Ulice velkoměsta".