Workers are operating gas generators, which keep the glassworks in operation. After weighing of all the ingredients required for the glass production (sandy silicate, "poština", sodium carbonate) a m...
Following ceremony opening of the event made by General Kolařík, the Chairman of the Czech Aero Club, we can see shots showing pilots - the racers, who are posing for the camera in front of their gl...
The panorama of the town of Litomyšl. Introductory subtitles briefly make us familiar with the town's history. We can see its significant sights (chateau, the Olivetská hora Hospital, a Piarist chur...
The Tenth International Car Race from Zbraslav to Jíloviště was held on 5th September 1926. The start was on a busy Zbraslav square. Among the spectators we can see the famous Czech actor Vlasta Bu...
The King's Ride (The Vlčnovští Group) on the square, it stops in front of the Mayor's house, a toast, arrival at the stadium. Performance at the stadium - "fašanek" (a traditional folk feast - per...
Groups of Austrian officers, groups of ladies and gentlemen, guests arrival, Archbishop Lev Skrbenský of Hříšť and the Duchess Marie Coudenhove. Followed by hubbub in the front of the Šlechta re...
Introductory subtitles provide us with information concerning location, origin, area and nationalities of the Czechoslovak Republic. The first part of the film is dedicated to historical sights and ot...
In the Olomouc cemetery there was held a funeral ceremony - entombing of remains of Serbian soldiers. Representatives of our Army welcomed Yugoslavian Minister Dragiša Cvetković. Archbishop Leopold ...
The battle of Zborov: An observer in a tree
The battle of Zborov: Tomeš during the assault.
The battle of Zborov: A group of soldiers during the assault.
The battle of Zborov: Soldiers overcoming barriers with barbed wires.
The battle of Zborov: A system of trenches with soldiers.
The battle of Zborov: Four soldiers run out a trench.
A detail of wristwatch. At nine o´clock started the battle of Zborov - 2nd July 1917.
The battle of Zborov: Austrian artillery in action.
Film distributing company applies for censoring of the film "Tichý Don". The film was qualified for public screening - ban for young people; exclusion of scenes and titles 53, 102, 103, 106 and 109.
The Ilustrated London News,
Film company applies for a new censoring of the film "Ulička, kde není radosti". The film was qualified for public screening – ban for young people. Date of issue of the first (prev...
Film distributing company applies for censoring of the film "Kavárna Elektric". Result: complete interdiction.
Film distributing company applies for censoring of the film "Vídeňské čarovné zvuky". The film was qualified for public screening - ban for young people.