A widowed journalist and keen womanizer, Johnny, and his pampered daughter Aliki, are spending their summer on Aegina. At the harbor, Aliki thinks that Jean – a charming young man and offspring of a...
Pavlos, manager of an insurance company and a dedicated party-goer (Lampros Konstantaras) hires Eva (Maro Kontou) as his typist. Eva is the fiancée of an employee of Pavlos (Giorgos Papazisis), with ...
During the shooting of a film, a strange man enters the set holding an umbrella. He walks into the sea and disappears. The people from the film crew claim that this is a publicity stunt, but the music...
A ruthless businessman and publisher of the newspaper “The Truth” takes advantage of a cleaning lady’s seriously ill eight-year-old son by sending him off to Paris for treatment at the newspaper...
The Minister of Industrial Development faces two problems. One the one hand, his wife, after her unsuccessful suicide attempt, turns against him and takes up with his former associates, who oppose the...
The film adaptation for the modern era of the ancient tragedy The Bacchae. Pentheus is celebrating his birthday, and surreal scenes unfold before his eyes, arousing doubts in the celebrant as to wheth...
Andreas (Lampros Konstandaras) is the director of a model-training school and is facing financial difficulties. A friend of his from America (Nikos Papachristos), who has a large fortune, offers him a...
Six middle-aged friends, whose lives have been full of hardship and misery, decide in desperation to leave and go to Bogota and the jungles of Colombia, determined to become rich shipowners like Onass...