Surrealistic view of the "Honeymoon couple", interrupted by salesmen, consumer goods, jealousy, anger and infidelity. [Award winner in the 1957 Scottish Amateur Film Festival.]
A descriptive essay on the city of Edinburgh, and in particular of Edinburgh Castle.
A promotional film for George Waterston and Sons of Edinburgh, Wax Chandlers. This film shows interiors and machinery of the firm's old wax making factory at St. John's Hill, just prior to demolition....
Aberdeen High School for Girls - from the first day of infant class to prize-giving for senior pupils leaving school. All aspects of learning are recorded, with emphasis on drama, music and dance.
An exploration of St Peter's Seminary, Cardross on the Firth of Clyde.
Glasgow in the post-war years and the Corporation's futuristic plans for the city's development. [The film was made to tie in with an exhibition of the same title, held at the Kelvin Hall in Glasgow....
The wedding of Jock Lyon and Lorna Duncan at Greyfriars Church, Dumfries, February 23rd 1928.
Family home life.
Historien er inspireret af virkeligheden og tager sin begyndelse da Melvin en nat samler en forkommen ældre mand op, der hævder at være mangemillionæren Howard Hughes. Derefter fortælles der om M...
Da kvinden, June pludselig løber ind i den fremmede verdensmand, Roy Miller, der også viser sig at være mesterspion, forandrer hendes liv sig på en måde hun aldrig havde forestillet sig. June få...
Forfatterinden Anaïs Nin mødte Henry Miller i Paris i 1931 og hans anarkistiske livsstil var noget helt nyt og spændende for hende. Året efter kom Henrys kone, June, også til Paris, og både Henr...
Et æsel spærrer vejen. FN-soldater og lokale mødes. Ingen forstår hinanden, og den simple forhindring forvandler sig hurtigt til en konflikt af babelske dimensioner. Den korteste vej mellem mennes...
A short melodrama: the Chinese man Sang Lee takes pity on a white child (Jack). Twenty years later, Jack, now a prominent lawyer, defends his foster father in court from false accusations.
Kriminaldrama mit
Sensationsdrama mit
Romantisches Drama nach einer Erzählung von
Abenteuerfilm (deutsch nachsynchron.) nach dem
Historisches Drama nach der Novelle von
The Big Other Of all people, the television presenter Gregory, a convinced atheist, is sent to Rome to report on the upcoming election of the new pope. In the eternal city he meets Maria, with whom he...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film Synopsis: The year 1814: After Napoleon was forced into exile, the regents of Europe negotiate the future of the continent at the Congress of V...
The Bohemian fairy tale that inspired the work of the troubadour Wolfram Von Eschenbach tells the story of a prince in love with a beautiful girl magically transformed from an apple.