A documentary film tells about the Song Festival in Vilnius. Stage of Vingis Park. Inscription “Capital of Soviet Lithuania Vilnius greets you”. A vehicle washes a street. Buses at Vilnius railway...
Cast tests for feature film "Kalakutai" ("The Turkeys"). In the cast tests take part actors: Janina Dulskytė, Grigaliūnas, Jonkutė, Ivanauskas, Albina Tumkevičienė, Petras Žindulis, Petrauska...
Documentary film shows how in Lithuania maize was growing up. Scientist Antanas Budvytis from Dotnuva Agriculture Institute investigates the seeds of maize at the laboratory and looks for their growth...
Workers pave highway. German soldiers stand and speak near locomotive. Workers build railroad. Railroad is completed. Workers continue to build railroad.
Views of Baltic States Tourism Conference in Kaunas palace “Palanga”. Participants sit, speak, applaud. Signboard “Kindergarten”. Woman brings baby to bed. Line of beds. Babies in the beds. Wo...
Documentary tells us a story of Fort No. 9 in Kaunas. Speeches of former prisoners of Fort No. 3 P.Čerikas, M.Kurganovas, O.Demskytė, A.Faitelsonas, A.Liepsnonis. Kaunas fortification plan is made i...
Lithuanian SSR Council of Ministers' Chairman Mechislovas Gedvilas and Lithuanian SSR Supreme Council's Presidium Chairman Justas Paleckis visit in the 16th Lithuanian division. They are followed by d...
Folk artist, ceramist makes a sculpture out of clay. Another woman weeds flower gardens. Boy‘s statue. Boy. Sculptures. Woman supervises flowers. Other women inspect sculptures - whistles. Men regis...