Prvi zarobljeni bugarski vojnici u borbi sa Srbima u Drugom balkanskom ratu prevezeni su vozom u Beograd 21. juna 1913. godine. Prva grupa od 17 zarobljenih oficira i 1200 vojnika pripadnika Rilske ...
On the 14th and 15th of April 1914, in the Belgrade fort, was held a solemn oath of the first generation of recruits from South Serbia, the so-called. "newly empowered areas". At the twentieth anniver...
On St. Peter`s Day, 12th July 1932, monument of the fallen Šumadija soldiers in World War I was solemnly sanctified and unveiled in Kragujevac. The film tracks the whole course of the ceremony – th...
Posle pobede srpske nad bugarskom armijom u Bregalničkoj bici krajem juna 1913. godine štab Prve armije na čelu sa prestolonaslednikom Aleksandrom ulogorio se na Crnom vrhu u blizini Kratova. ...
U rano jutro 24. marta 1914. godine na Železničku stanicu u Beogradu su pristigla dva voza sa prvom generacijom regruta iz novooslobođenih oblasti, Stare Srbije i Južne Srbije. Posle svečanog do�...
During the autumn of 1914 and the well-known Battle of Kolubara, the Austro-Hungarian army committed atrocious crimes against the civilian population on the territory of Mačva. After the war, a charn...
Parts of various accounts from the period of World War I: an officer of the Serbian Army interrogates a group of Albanians, the soldiers give them presents. The Serbian and French artillerymen. Abando...
In August 1910, large ceremonies were held in Cetinje, officially called the Celebration of the Fifteenth Anniversary of the Rule of H.R. Highness the Prince and Lord Nikola I Petrovic and the Golde...