The canals running through the town are undamaged but the main girder bridge has been brought down. British soldiers of II Corps wait in the main square.Civilians watch while the British, of 40th Divi...
Australia House is at the east end of the Strand. Australian soldiers march to the building. King George arrives in his carriage with Queen Mary. A view of the facade of the building with the King and...
At Windau on 9th and 10th October the transport ships for 42nd Division and other elements of XXIII Reserve Corps are loaded with men, equipment and guns. On the morning of 10th October the camera-shi...
(Reel 1) The opening shows the destruction near Bapaume and Péronne caused by the German retreat. Buildings have been blown up, trees cut down. A British cyclist patrol is greeted by the population o...
I. (Reel 1) A panorama of Nazareth. Men of 4th Regiment, Australian Light Horse, entering Tiberias on 25 September. The bridge at Jisr Benat Yakub (which means 'the bridge of the daughters of Jacob')....
Men of 332nd Infantry Regiment, detached from 83rd (Ohio) Division, being led by Italian soldiers into the second line of a trench system and going on to occupy a front line. Some of the Americans dis...
Watering horses of 1st Field Artillery Brigade in the Forêt de la Reine, just north of Boucq, with considerable military traffic congestion. Men of 18th Infantry Regiment advancing in 'artillery form...
Refugees watch horsed transport move down a road by a shell dump. The gunners attend to their 155mm howitzers. Lorries move up another road. Gunners check that a 155mm Schneider gun is properly limber...
Vene 109. Jalaväediviisi 433. Novgorodi polgu lipnik Ants Lauter.
Vene 109. Jalaväediviisi 433. Novgorodi polgu lipnik Ants Lauter.
Vene 577. Permi rahvaväe jalaväepolgu kirjutajad kasarmus.
Vene 577. Permi rahvaväe jalaväepolgu kirjutajad.
Kolm Vene 577. Permi rahvaväe jalaväepolgu ohvitseri.
Vene 577. Permi rahvaväe jalaväepolgu ohvitser lipnik Gusev hobusel.
Vene 577. Permi rahvaväe jalaväepolgu paraad.
Vene 577. Permi rahvaväe jalaväepolgu paraad.