Teesside on the river Tees in England is a busy industrial area founded on iron, steel, chemicals and oil. The pipeline from the off-shore oil field Ekofisk in the Norwegian North Sea ends here, and t...
Company newsreel (Phillips Petroleum Company Norway)
About the struggle to stop the blow-out at the Bravo rig at Ekofisk in the North Sea in April 1977. Interviews.
Life on board the oil drilling rig Ocean Viking in the North Sea. From the first days of exploration.
Large cranes at work on the oil field Ekofisk in the North Sea.
Phillips Petroleum Company Norway has developed guide lines for simultaneous operations on their rigs.
A rapport from the struggle in April 1977 to stop the blow-out on the rig Bravo 14 in the North Sea by representatives of the Red Adair Company.
Arriving at and living on the off-shore oil field Ekofisk in the North Sea, with safety routines etc.