Det tyske lufiskib "Hansa' flyverd. 20/9 1912 over København for første gang. Over byens tage og udover Kløvermarken på Amager. Luftskibet lander, men starter snart igen.
Danske krigsskibe på åbent vand. Der roes mod land. Matroser leger med hinanden. Rengøring ombord, der skrubbes. Personlig hygiejne blandt de værnepligtige. Gruppe af underofficerer spiller på st...
Martha v. Althaus, datter af den gamle general, grev v. Althaus, er i sit liv to gange gift. Som ganske ung ægtede hun den tapre officer, Arno v. Dotzky, med liv og sjæl. Efter få års lykkeligt sa...
Dramatiseret dokumentarfilm om især armenske kvinders forhold under og efter første verdenskrig. Optaget for Folkenes Forbund, med Karen Jeppe, Leder af redningsarbejdet, som oplyser om Folkeforbund...
Medium shot of nurses Tonička (actress: Truda Grosslichtová) and Mathilde (actress: Adina Mandlová) standing by a table in a room. Mathilde has a paletot over her shoulders and is staring fixedly s...
Medium close-up of Lieutenant Rjepkin (actor: Vladimír Borský) in profile and the cadet Severa (actor: Stanislav Strnad), who is lying on a hospital bed.
Medium close-up of Nurse Tonička (Truda Grosslichtová) and Corporal Bartoněk (Jiří Vondrovič) standing in a corridor. They are smiling at one another and she is touching his bandaged hand.
Medium shot of an Austrian officer and Nurse Mathilde (actress: Adina Mandlová) looking at each other. The man is smoking a cigarette. Another soldier is visible behind them. In the left background i...
Several Austrian soldiers are moving about in front of a standing train. Several of the soldiers are carrying cargo. Other soldiers are looking out of the windows and open doors of the train.
Medium shot of Toman's wife Lída (actress: Marie Rosůlková), his son Vláďa (actor: Zdeněk Záhorský), and Dr, Šrámek (actor: František Smolík), who is shaking Vláďa's hand. Vláďa is wea...
Medium shot of Lieutenant Rjepkin (actor: Vladimír Borský) in profile and nurse Mathilde (actress: Adina Mandlová).
Medium close-up of Rjepkin (actor: Vladimír Borský) sleeping on a bed and First Lieutenant Liška (actor: František Kreuzmann) in pyjamas leaning over him.
FILMEN is the most important Danish film magazine from the early silent film period. The journal was published in the period 1912-1919 (with 24 issues per year)
FILMEN is the most important Danish film magazine from the early silent film period. The journal was published in the period 1912-1919 (with 24 issues per year)
FILMEN is the most important Danish film magazine from the early silent film period. The journal was published in the period 1912-1919 (with 24 issues per year)
FILMEN is the most important Danish film magazine from the early silent film period. The journal was published in the period 1912-1919 (with 24 issues per year)
FILMEN is the most important Danish film magazine from the early silent film period. The journal was published in the period 1912-1919 (with 24 issues per year)
FILMEN is the most important Danish film magazine from the early silent film period. The journal was published in the period 1912-1919 (with 24 issues per year)
FILMEN is the most important Danish film magazine from the early silent film period. The journal was published in the period 1912-1919 (with 24 issues per year)
FILMEN is the most important Danish film magazine from the early silent film period. The journal was published in the period 1912-1919 (with 24 issues per year)