Film restored in collaboration with Cinémathèque Suisse.
The film is constructed on a contemporary requirement tied to the wartime situation, seeing as Italy had gone to war with Austria in May 1915. At the end of the wedding ceremony the procession o...
A short but extraordinary scientific documentary: from caterpillar to chrysalis, from chrysalis to butterfly. Film restored in collaboration with Nederlands Filmmuseum.
The emergency reconstruction after the 1915 earthquake is still the core of many villages of the Marsica area (in Abruzzo). This documentary is about the villages hit by the earthquake in their ...
This film is also known by the title "L’ipocrita smascherato". In respect to other FAI films, it contains quite an innovative scene, in which the loan shark is on a train, looking out the wind...
On the 150th anniversary of the Carabinieri Service, this documentary commemorates the service’s history, founded on the motto “For Centuries Faithful”. A celebration of Carabinieri histor...
Si tratta di un frammento di una breve commedia di ambientazione napoletana, in cui l'attore Vincenzo Scarpetta, figlio del commediografo Eduardo, è alle prese con una Miss d'oltre Atlantico, l...
The past recaptured by Aldo Palazzeschi. The moody and sardonic spirit of his early youth, ironic comments about experiences with "crepuscolarism" and "futurism". His poetry carefully captures w...
Wide shot of a hospital corridor. Nurse Tonička (actress: Truda Grosslichtová) stands in the middle of the corridor clasping hands with Corporal Bartoněk (actor: Jiří Vondrovič), whose other arm...
Medium shot of several men sitting around a table with a half loaf of bread and a carafe of water. On the left sits Sakař (actor: Jindřich Plachta) with a bandaged neck. To the right sit Vyskočil (...
Wide shot of a corridor. Standing in front of the door to Dr. Šrámek's office are Nurse Mathilde (actress: Adina Mandlová) and Rjepkin (actor: Vladimír Borský) flanked by Austrian military guards...
View of an office. A colonel of the Austrian army (actor: Jaroslav Marvan) and Dr. Šrámek (actor: František Smolík) are standing at a desk. Behind Šrámek are two military guards (on the right, a...
Wide shot of an office. Dr. Šrámek (actor: František Smolík) is sitting at a desk and pointing at another doctor standing on the opposite side of the desk. Rjepkin (actor: Vladimír Borský) is st...
Wide shot of a corridor and a door with a sign indicating "MUDr. Fr. Šrámek." Standing in front of the door are nurse Mathilde (actress: Adina Mandlová), First Lieutenant Liška (actor: František ...
Lieutenant Rjepkin (actor: Vladimír Borský) is lying on a hospital bed in the foreground. Three figures are standing over him: Nurse Mathilde (actor: Adina Mandlová) on the left, and doctors Šrám...
View of a hospital room. In the centre of the image, cadet Severa (actor: Stanislav Strnad) is lying on a bed and hugging his mother (actress: Marie Ptáková), who is sitting next to him. Rjepkin is ...
Emil Gobbers, Das Filmdrama im Zeichen der Revolution, Der Kinematograph, 652, (1919), S. 15-16. Der Film sei dazu berufen, die Ausdrucksform einer neuen Kunst für eine neue Zeit zu sein. Wenn sich d...
O. Verf.. „Krieg und Kino.“ Der Kinematograph 397 (1914): 3-4. Bericht, wie bislang der Film in Kriegen eingesetzt worden sei. Ratschläge an Kinobesitzer, wie sie sich zu verhalten hätten. Mutma...
St., O.Th.. "Lichtbildliches aus Sachsens Residenz." Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III,7 (1913/1914): 174. Bericht über das Dresdner Kinowesen. U.a wird auch das Jug...
Berthold Baer, Amerikana, Der Kinematograph, 422, (1915), S. 21-22. Die Stimmung in den USA sei durch Filme der Ententemächte sehr gegen Deutschland gestimmt. Die Deutschen seien sich nicht darüber ...