Film restored in collaboration with Cinémathèque Suisse.
The film is constructed on a contemporary requirement tied to the wartime situation, seeing as Italy had gone to war with Austria in May 1915. At the end of the wedding ceremony the procession o...
A short but extraordinary scientific documentary: from caterpillar to chrysalis, from chrysalis to butterfly. Film restored in collaboration with Nederlands Filmmuseum.
The emergency reconstruction after the 1915 earthquake is still the core of many villages of the Marsica area (in Abruzzo). This documentary is about the villages hit by the earthquake in their ...
This film is also known by the title "L’ipocrita smascherato". In respect to other FAI films, it contains quite an innovative scene, in which the loan shark is on a train, looking out the wind...
On the 150th anniversary of the Carabinieri Service, this documentary commemorates the service’s history, founded on the motto “For Centuries Faithful”. A celebration of Carabinieri histor...
Si tratta di un frammento di una breve commedia di ambientazione napoletana, in cui l'attore Vincenzo Scarpetta, figlio del commediografo Eduardo, è alle prese con una Miss d'oltre Atlantico, l...
The past recaptured by Aldo Palazzeschi. The moody and sardonic spirit of his early youth, ironic comments about experiences with "crepuscolarism" and "futurism". His poetry carefully captures w...
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
American soldiers sent to France march with the American flags in the streets of Paris.
A soldier with cannon in a trench during the battle of Terron.
Egon Jacobsohn, Neuheiten auf dem Berliner Filmmarkte, Der Kinematograph, 652, (1919), S. 21. "Die Welt, der große Kuppler" wird als kitschig und misslungen bewertet, ebenso "Die Postanweisung". "Ich...
F. Felix, Krieg den Kriegsdramen, Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie, IV, 4/5, (1914/1915), S. 91-93. Polemik gegen die Verarbeitung der Kriegsereignisse im Film und gegen...
Traugott Schalcher, Patriotische Films und Filmpatrioten, Das Lichtbildtheater, 6.Jg, Nr.30, (1914). Bericht darüber, dass in Frankreich patriotische Filme einen Aufschwung erleben würden, während ...
O. Verf.. „Auswüchse in der Reklame der Lichtbildtheater.“ Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III,1 (1913/1914): 24. Die Stadt Bamberg habe eine Verordnung erlassen, ...
Richard Ostwald Film GmbH, Anders als die Andern (§ 175), Der Kinematograph, 635, (1919), S. 34.
Richard Ostwald Film GmbH, Die Prostitution, Lichtbildbühne, 50, (1918), S. 74-75. Werbung für einen Film über die Prostitution.