Panoramica su Cettigne, capitale del Regno del Montenegro, imbandierata per i festeggiamenti a Re Nicola I. Guardie armate, donne in costumi tipici. Al campo, tende, soldati in marcia con fucile...
This documentary is dedicated to Luigi Mercantini’s poetry and to the events of the Risorgimento related to it. Particular reference is made to “Spigolatrice di Sapri” and to “Inno di Ga...
Vittorio Emanuele III di Savoia e la reale consorte Elena del Montenegro in visita ufficiale al re del Montenegro Nicola I, presso la villa reale di Rijeka Crnojevića. Il principe Ereditario Da...
The history and life of the military corps the Grenadiers of Sardinia.
Strade di Cettigne, capitale del Regno del Montenegro. Il Palazzo dei Ministri e delle Regie Poste. Il nuovo palazzo della Legazione Italiana. Il Teatro Reale. Il Palazzo Reale. Nicola I, Re del...
The film reviews the history and art of Vienna and the empire of which it was the capital for centuries, ending with a vision of the contemporary city.
Marinetti, definito da Boccioni “poeta e impresario”, dopo la pubblicazione del primo manifesto futurista su “Le Figaro” (1909) diffonde il Manifesto tecnico della letteratura futurista,...
Špilberk is a picturesque castle dominating the modern city of Brno (Czech Republic). Over the course of time it has been a fortress, prison, museum and a place for torture. During the Inquisit...
Medium shot of Nurse Mathilde (actress: Adina Mandlová) lying in a bed with a bandage on her left elbow. Nurse Tonička (actress: Truda Grosslichtová) is standing on the left with her hand resting o...
Medium shot of Rjepkin (actor: Vladimír Borský) standing next to a night stand in a hospital room. In the background is a window with a panoramic view of Brno.
Wide shot of an empty city street with three-storeyed buildings on the right and urban greenery on the left.
Medium shot of Nurse Mathilde (actress: Adina Mandlová) standing in a half opened door with her hand on the door handle.
Three families on the villiage green after the mobilization. From the left Mrs. Bártová and her son, Bárta (laborer), Janda (smith) and Tomeš (farmer) pledge a loyalty to the idea of Slavonic unit...
Three families on the public green after mobilization. From the left: Mrs. Bártová, Bárta and his son, Janda and his family, Tomeš and his family. Travel packages in the foreground.
After the mobilization: women hold on men and cry. On the left Janda (smith), the second one is Tomeš (farmer).
Farmer Tomeš and his son Jeníček with the oxcart full of straw.
Fort mit den letzten Überresten polizeilicher Gewalten, Die Filmwelt, 12.Jg., 49, (1918). Aufruf, dass nach Wegfall der Zensur auch alle anderen polizeilichen Verordnungen wie Werbeverbote oder das k...
Argus, Neuheiten auf dem Berliner Filmmarkte, Der Kinematograph, 562, (1917), S.18-27. Die Messter-Film-Aufnahmen vom Luftkämpfen stehen an erster Stelle und werden als sensationell bezeichnet.
Universum Filmverleih, Der ewige Frieden Pax Aeterna, Lichtbildbühne, 48, (1918), S. 68
Neutral Film, Die Welt ohne Hunger, Lichtbildbühne, 48, (1918), S. 3.
Propaganda-Filme, Der Kinematograph, 571, (1917), S. 19-20. Deutsche Propagandafilme seien noch immer den feindlichen unterlegen. Man müsse zu denselben Waffen greifen, wie es die Feinde tun und die ...
Staat und Kino, Der Kinematograph, 514, (1916), S. 11-12. Erörterung der Idee, der Staat könne die Filmproduktion in seine Hände nehmen. Als Beispiel wird die Eisenbahn genommen, die auch zunächst...
Arthur Loening, Ein Friedensfilm, Lichtbildbühne, 50, (1918), S. 40 & 56. Der Film greife die aktuelle Sehnsucht nach Frieden auf. Wie aber der Westfälische Frieden einen Machtzuwachs für Frankreic...
Mercedes-Film GmbH, Suchomlinow, Der Kinematograph, 566, (1917), S. 27.