Troops of a Moroccan division behind the lines in Champagne march in road column, led by their band, through a village to their sports. The sports include a football match and a mule race as well as a...
A view of the plain of Mulhouse from the town of Thann. The town is attractive and shows no signs of war. A young lady wearing traditional Alsatian costume holds an American flag in honour of the US e...
Three British, one French and three Belgian soldiers walk through an archway. French soldiers of I Corps, on foot and in lorries, pass in both directions down an undamaged street with Belgian troops. ...
Three soldiers, probably of 5th Artillery Regiment, relax on top of a pile of rubble and make souvenirs from expended 75mm shell-cases. Using light hammers and punches they work intricate designs of w...
The Minister of Agriculture, Ferdinand David, and the former deputy for Colmar, the Abbé Wetterlé, leave the town hall with their followers, led by three young girls dressed in the regional costumes...
The archbishop and dignitaries leave the cathedral after the mass, and go into the cemetery where the archbishop pronounces a benediction over the graves. Everyone then leaves.A pan over the positions...
The men are French I Corps and British II Corps to the south. A mixed posed group of British and French soldiers talk with one another. British officers watch a French 75mm field gun crew opening fire...
Lorries full of French troops drive through the village of Montebello. French soldiers on the march in two parallel columns come out past the main church. Italian and French troops share a trench on t...
Czechoslovak volunteers on a small station in Siberia.
Czechoslovak volunteers on a small station in Siberia. In the foreground is a Russian woman.
Assembly of participants out of chcurch.
Assembly of participants in the square.
Bishop Lev Skrbenský of Hříšť consecrates the St. Anthony´s Church on Strossmayer Square in Prague.
Participants of the ceremony in the square outside the church.
Exercise on horizontal bar in the courtyard of the cadet school in Vienna.
Wounded Austrian soldier accompanied by nurses and military doctors.
Jean Th. Lommen, Film- und Kinoschund, Der Kinematograph, 690/91, (1920), S. 35-41. Die Presse äußere sich vor allem negativ über den Film. Die Kritik der Kinogegner richte sich vor allem gegen Kri...
Stein, O. Th.. "Der Kinematograph als moderne Zeitung." Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III, 2 (1913/1914): 25-28. Stein beschreibt die Wochenschau in den Kinos als sch...
O. Verf.. „Kinotheaterwesen und deutscher Einfluss im östlichen Mittelmeer.“ Der Kinematograph 374 (1914). Obwohl es im Rahmen des Bagdadbahnprojekts zur verstärkten Gründung von Kinos durch de...
O. Verf.. „Schliesst die Kinos nicht.“ Der Kinematograph 399 (1914): 3-4. Aufruf an die Kinoindustrie, die Kinos nicht zu schließen, da das Volk in Kriegszeiten Ablenkung brauche. Die Eintrittspr...
Die Schaffnerin der Linie 6. Ein neuzeitliches Lebensbild, Der Kinematograph, 464, (1915), S. 17-19. Werbung für einen Film, der die kriegsbedingte zunehmende Beschäftigung von Frauen in der Öffent...
Emscher, Horst: „Der Krieg und die deutsche Filmindustrie.“ Der Kinematograph 404 (1914): 5-6. Erörterung der wirtschaftlichen Lage der deutschen Filmindustrie. Entgegnet dem Vorwurf, dass die Be...
Sellmann, Adolf. "Neue Lehrhafte Filme (Von Mitte August bis Anfang Oktober)", Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III, 1 (1913/1914): 20-22. A.S. stellt die neuesten Lehrf...