Der rote Barsch Shorty, seine Schwester Indigo und sein bester Freund, der Sägefisch Jake, leben gemeinsam in einem idyllischen Korallenriff. Bis eines Tages ein Schleppnetz das gesamte Korallenriff ...
Tonbild zu "Die Herzen der Frau'n von Berlin" aus der 1907 Metropol-Theater Revue "Das muss man seh'n!". Der Hauptdarsteller, vermutlich Emil Justitz, agiert playback zu einem Lied, das die Vorzüge d...
Max ist in seinem Beruf als Psychotherapeut zwar sehr erfolgreich, aber seine eigenen Probleme drohen ihm immer mehr über den Kopf zu wachsen. Seine Ex-Frau Loretta, mit der er sich eigentlich prima ...
Die wirtschaftliche Situation in dem bayerischen Provinzkaff Hinterdupfing ist wenig berauschend. Eines Tages kommt eine Clique Dorfjugendlicher auf die Idee, den Ort als Urlaubsziel zu etablieren. Si...
Dokumentarfilm über zwei Männer, die Mitte der 50er Jahre als Nachkömmlinge deutscher Mütter und amerikanischer Besatzungssoldaten geboren wurden – "Kinder der Schande" nannte man solche Kinder ...
Dokumentarfilm über Aktivisten, Umweltschützer und umweltbewusste Politiker in Deutschland und den USA, die sich für eine weltweite Energiewende und den Kampf gegen den Klimawandel engagieren. Der ...
On the staging and filming of a party on the allied armies in the WWI.
Immagini documentarie sul fronte della prima guerra mondiale: l'esercito italiano tra il Brenta e l'Adige; veduta del monte Pasubio e del Monte Cimone; si trasportano truppe e cannoni; in marcia...
A young girl works cleaning the kitchen floor of a house. When she has finished she tosses the soap and cloth into the sink, which is full of water. The cook tells her, gently, that the soap will wast...
Shots of London's famous buildings during the First World War.
The film gives a vivid and lively picture of landscape, buildings, industry and everyday life in the small city of Sandefjord in the southern parts of Norway.
Documentary about the annual kermis and cattle-market in Anderlecht.
French language version of a newsreel item on British troops sitting and eating bread and jam "with proverbial coolness", Western Front, May 1918.
"King And President - The King of the Belgians and President Poincaré leaving Furnes after an inspection of the French Cavalry in the market square".
Animation film by Dusan Vukotic, one of the major Croatian animators and co-founder of Zagreb Film. A charming story about an old magician and all sorts of magic creatures that end up in the world of ...
Ralph and Edith Norton, two Protestant missionaries from Philadelphia, came to Britain for a period of three years to provide assistance to refugees and wounded Belgian soldiers from the war zone. Mon...
Subtitled "The work of the Department of the Director General Voluntary Organisations including the Camps Library". Introductory shot of the Director General Sir Edward Ward seated in his office in Sc...
Episode of the series "Aviation in Brescia": airplane exercises featuring the pilots Curtiss, Rougier, Calderara, Blériot and Cobianchi.
i. AMERICAN MISSION IN LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. DR PAGE WITH DELEGATES WHO WILL TELL U.S. OF OUR WAR WORK. U.S. Ambassador W.H. Page and his group embark from ship in Liverpool. They talk with women work...
Short reportage about seaplanes, stationed on an aircraft carrier. On the ship the seaplanes are repaired and getting ready. The seaplane is being lifted on board and takes off. Subsequently aerial sh...
Reportage about Austrian war ships and submarines. Images of life on board of the ship 'Tegetthof', navigation (with log and sextant), signals with flags, a torpedo boat flottilla at full speed and t...
A German officer addresses his men in a dugout. They emerge from the dugout and man their trench against an Australian attack. The Australians storm the trench and throw grenades down into the dugouts...