Naturdokumentation, gefilmt in deutschen Wäldern, Wiesen und Gebirgen. Vielfältig setzt Regisseur Jan Haft die hiesige Wildnis in Szene und verwendet dafür auch Stilmittel wie Zeitraffer und Ultra-...
Fortsetzung von "Timebreakers - Auf der Suche nach dem geheimnisvollen Heidekristall" aus dem Jahr 2016: Die magischen Schwestern Emma und Mathilda sind nach den Geschehnissen des ersten Teils zurück...
In der Reihe WAS TUT SICH – IM DEUTSCHEN FILM? präsentiert das Kino des DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum in Zusammenarbeit mit epd film einmal im Monat ein aktuelles Werk. Am 15. September...
Mockumentary über einen legendären Fußballspieler namens Rudi Varda, der in den 1970er Jahren als enormes Talent galt und eine Fußballkarriere in Deutschland und Österreich startete. Trotz seiner...
Short film in which Barbara's father is killed during a raid of the Vandals. When Barbara and the other women are threatened, she throws a box with explosives to the attackers, which causes their deat...
"USA Excursion Steamer Disaster" (208-2) "Rescuers working on the «Eastland» which capsized in the Chicago River", with the loss of over one thousand lives."Training mules for the Army" (208-2) "Mr ...
A 3-D documentary on WWI which combines historical footage, tinted stereoscopic images, film fragments, diary entries and letters from the front into a collage. Several narrators recite the historical...
Emperor Wilhelm II and empress Victoria of Germany on horses, escorted by horsemen, on their way to a parade at the Tempelhoferfeld in Berlin.
From private wedding festivities at a wooden villa in the city of Fredikstad.
A commercial for Rex Margarine with the Greek philosopher Diogenes as the main character.
The past recaptured by Aldo Palazzeschi. The moody and sardonic spirit of his early youth, ironic comments about experiences with "crepuscolarism" and "futurism". His poetry carefully captures w...
Street scenes in Bethlehem, the Church of Saint Mary, the Gardens of Gethsemane, the Via Dolorosa, the Holy Sepulchre, the Valley of Kidron and (in silhouette) a tree where, according to legend, Judas...
On the staging and filming of a party on the allied armies in the WWI.
Russian melodrama about the heroic deeds of a woman during the First World War.
Crime drama about the rivalry between two men regarding a new invention and a cute girl.