The footage, filmed on May 30, 1915, records a WWI intercession procession before the Inner City Parish Church, the Basilica, and the Parliament. The creators of the film concentrated on the famous pe...
(Reel 1) Men board troopships, including SS Leviathan, in New York harbour. On the crossing there are sports, a dance, and jive by black troops. A submarine attack is repelled by destroyers. The men d...
(Reel 1) The training of a naval cadet - Pangbourne, HMS Worcester, HMS Medway. (Reel 2) Scenes from the building of a merchant vessel. Shots of a Standard Tanker being launched on the Clyde, female d...
Kuulipilduja dott.
Suurtükiväe vaatluspunkt.
Kaeviku varjend, niinimetatud “hiireurg”.
115 mm suurükimürsust tabamuse saanud blindaaž.
Kaeviku laskemoona blindaaž, sissepääs varjendisse, fekaalikast, kaeviku valgustuskaabel.
Sissepääs kaeviku varjendisse ja fekaalikast.
Kaeviku kaitsesektor ja mürsuladu.
Kaeviku varjendi sissepääs.