Soldiers start digging a trench system and wiring up the positions. Finned mortar bombs for a 58mm Crapouillot (?) are carried forward into a front-line trench and used to bombard the German positions...
In World War I, Romania is still neutral. In Bucharest, people demonstrate for entering the war alongside the Entante and freeing the Romanians from Transylvania. Mares, the leader of the Students’ ...
Deutschland in der Vorkriegszeit: Landwirtschaft, Schwerindustrie, Hafenbetrieb; Rüstungsindustrie bei der Fa. Krupp, Bau von Geschützen und Einschießen auf dem werkseigenen Schießplatz; Flottenm...
An episode of the glorious patriotic series, born after the Armistice: the martyrdom of a girl from Marcinelle, shot by a German soldier because she threw her brioche at a starving soldier in captivit...
The very height of the patriotic film, including authentic footage, about the background and distribution of the Belgian newspaper 'La Libre Belgique' during WOI and Gabrielle Petit's part in the resi...
Hybrid storytelling about the famous Belgian martyr, whose good intentions resulted in her own killing. The staged scenes are being interspersed with archival footage, mostly concerning several milita...
I. '1ST LONDON DIVISION SPORTS. Bomb throwing competition and Military Obstacle Race'. Men stand in a short length of mock trench and throw 'bombs' - officers and others look on. Camera in front of tr...
I. Training exercises of a British assault on German trenches, covered by smoke shells. The equipment, tactics and terrain are consistent with the Flanders offensive, Western Front, 1917.II. A lorry-m...
Vene 14.korpuse 12.ratsa-suurtükidivisjoni ühe patarei tulejuht vaatlustornis.
Vene sõdurid kaevikust sihtmärke tulistamas [ei ole lahingolukord].
Vene 14.korpuse 12.ratsa-suurtükiväedivisjoni ühe allüksuse blindaaž.
Vene14.korpuse 12.ratsa-suurtükiväedivisjoni ohvitserid koos [kohaliku] naisega blindaaži ees.
Vene 14.korpuse 2.Orenburgi kasakapolgu sõdurid kaevikus.
Vene sõdurid kaevikus.
Vene 14.korpuse 2.Orenburgi kasakapolgu sõdurite ahelik positsioonil Vene-Saksa rindel.
Vene sõdurid kaevikus Vene-Saksa rindel.