The squadron pilots start up their Fairey IIIF aircraft and take off. Three of them, and the camera plane (see note below), overfly the mountain, which is covered with snow.
Newsreel item on airc...
1. Früher Morgen auf dem Gletscher-, eine Soldatenpatrouille im Eis. 2. In den feindlichen Linien ist auffallende Bewegung wahrgenommen worden. Eine Patrouille, die das Vorfeld aufklären soll, marsc...
Dieses Filmdokument ist eines der wesentlichen Zeugnisse des österreichisch-italienischen Gebirgskrieges, neben heroischen Gesten berichten die Bilder aber auch von den Strapazen und der Grausamkeit ...
Panoramic camera movement over the snowy Vosges mountains; German emplacements, medic on duty inspects subordinates; soldiers ride in the cable car; transport of supply goods by horsedrawn sled and el...
The British patrol lies in a slit trench beside its Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost armoured car. The captured spy sits on top of the car's bonnet and is questioned by an interpreter.
I. Newsreel item o...
War documentary filmed in Val Camonica (Brescia). The film begins with images of supplies being downloaded from a train at the station of Edolo. Bread, tins of beef and cheeses were destined for the s...
The film starts with maps showing Great Britain, the British Empire and finally New Zealand. It shows the Southern Alps of South Island, New Zealand, as seen from the ocean, leading down into the vall...
A pan over the valley with Asiago village in the distance. A British lorry convoy comes up a hairpin track to the top of a mountain ridge. Asiago, filmed from the British lines across the valley. Brit...