I. Two French soldiers in silhouette are rowed by gondola to St Mark's Square in Venice, with the Doges' Palace nearby and other gondolas riding at rest. The film emphasises that war has removed the g...
I. 'RE-ORGANISING THE SERBIAN ARMY. The Serbs who are born fighters, receiving instruction in Swedish Drill, preparatory to taking their place in the trenches against the Bulgars'. Men run through PT ...
I. 'LORD FRENCH IN IRELAND. New Viceroy chats with guard of Mons men at Dublin Castle.' After the ceremony of being sworn in as the new Lord Lieutenant, Lord French inspects the honour guard mounted i...
I. 'RED CROSS WORK AT SALONIKA. An ambulance column moving over the mountain road to the Balkan Front'. MS over flat country to Australian troops on the march - all wear Red Cross armbands. Horse-draw...
A Soldato Class destroyer passes with the coast in the background. A silhouette view of a Re Umberto Class battleship firing its forward 13.5-inch guns. Three torpedo boats manoeuvre, the leader is po...
Deutschland in der Vorkriegszeit: Landwirtschaft, Schwerindustrie, Hafenbetrieb; Rüstungsindustrie bei der Fa. Krupp, Bau von Geschützen und Einschießen auf dem werkseigenen Schießplatz; Flottenm...
I. 'ON THE CAMBRAI FRONT. Rushing up ammunition, building new roads and consolidating our gains.' Artillery limber crosses muddy ground at the gallop, while another stands in mid-screen, apparently bo...
The Prince visits the Serbian troops in their mountain positions. He dismounts from his horse, talks with his officers and looks out over the position with binoculars before riding away.Soldiers move ...