I. Report from the homeland of Panorama of the Metallurgical Complex "Kremikovtsi". – II. Opening of Central Children's Garden N 150 in Sofia. – III. Sofia court. The trial against US intelligence...
I. Archival footage –survivors and victims of the concentration camps during WW II. Moscow. Press conference on the occasion of the decision of the Federal Republic of Germany's government to exoner...
I. Planes bomb the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. In Tokyo, Rome, and London - manifestations against the war in Vietnam. Protest march in Rome. Meeting in London - speaker talks, people with posters...
I. UAR. National holiday - fireworks. Celebrating 13 years since the overthrow of the monarchy. Gamal Abdel Nasser addresses the people.– II. Moscow. Vnukovo Airport. Prime Minister of Turkey Suat �...
I. USSR. Airport near Moscow. The President of the UAR, Gamal Abdel Nasser, gets off the plane. Leonid Brezhnev, Alexei Kosygin, Anastas Mikoyan, party and state figures and officials welcome him. II....
I. Visit of the President of Yugoslavia Josip Broz Tito in Varna. The railway station - J.B. Tito and Todor Zhivkov inspect an honorary army company. Plovdiv. Monuments to those who died in the April ...
I. Moscow. Spasskaya Tower, Kremlin. Hall - First Constituent Congress of Cinematographers in the USSR. Professor Lev Kuleshov opens the congress. Heads of the CPSU and the government are present - Al...
I. Sofia. Bulgarian Communist Party (BKP) main building. Hall - Sessions of the 6th Congress of the Bulgarian Trade Unions. In the presidium Todor Zhivkov, Stanko Todorov and others. Delegates applaud...