I. Submarine K.2 runs hull down and submerged.II. Minesweeping trawler Warstar (GY.73) recovers kite. III. Medium close-up off the port bow and medium shot, starboard bow to stern, as an Erebus Class ...
I. Long shot across anchorage at Scapa at sunset - afterpart of a battleship, showing X and Y turrets, at frame right, and starboard profile of Arethusa Class (?) cruiser.II. Medium shot of Admiralty ...
I. 'FORT OF TUZLA View of one of the fort's big guns with British signallers at work'. HA to rear of shielded coastal gun - a sentry guards the emplacement. MS to a sentry positioned in front of the p...
I. (Reel 1) Winter training for British troops. Infantry guns and Highlanders move in columns along the roads up to the snow covered trenches. Hot soup is brought to troops in the trenches. A dawn 'st...
I. 'Admiralty Official Film "CLEARED FOR ACTION" Looking aft on a super Dreadnought of our great battle fleet which is cleared for action night and day.' LS aft down starboard side of quarterdeck of a...
2nd Battalion, King's Own Scottish Borderers of 5th Division, including four bagpipers, detraining and resting at Legnano, 20 December 1917. 1st Battalion, the Bedfordshire Regiment (?) of 5th Divisio...
6th Battalion, the Black Watch of 51st (Highland) Division collecting the men's packs between the Bois de Reims and St-Imoges, having just come out of line on 24 July. 1/5th Battalion, the Devonshire ...
Machado with President Poincaré at Verdun inspects the troops, and presents the Mayor of Verdun with the Order of the Tower and the Sword. The two presidents enter through the defences of the city an...
Vene lennuväe lennuk “Nieuport”.
Vene lennuväe lennuk “Nieuport”.
Prantsuse lennuk “Morane-Saulnier".
Vene neljamootoriline pommituslennuk “Ilja Muromets”.
Vene neljamootoriline pommituslennuk “Ilja Muromets”.
Vaatlusõhupall Vene-Saksa rindel.
Lennuk maandumas.
Die Kommunalisierung, Der Kinematograph, 672, (1919), S. 32-33. Plädoyer gegen die Pläne der Verstaatlichung aller Kinos. Die Verstaatlichung schade nur dem Staat, blähe die Bürokratie unnötig au...