I. Submarine base, Portsmouth. C Class submarines at moorings: C.17, C.18, C.12. Medium shot profile as D.2 passes; note HMS Victory in the background. C.32 at moorings - two ratings relaxing on deck ...
The film irises up on the huts of the camp, which is large and well laid-out. A column of WRAFs marches along a path in the camp. At a pay parade indoors the women come forward in turn to collect thei...
Reportage about the first flight to the Dutch Indies. Shots of the departure of the Fokker VII H-NACC in the Netherlands in the presence of KLM-director Plesman and of the arrival in the Dutch Indies....
Two women volunteers go along to the recruiting centre, emerging in WRAF uniform. There is a parade at the station, after which the women depart to their various duties. Some work as clerks, some as w...
'OVER THE LINES: An impression of an army's position as seen by our aeroplane observers when over the German lines'. (Short caption.) Aerial shots of troops at battle practice, equipment, vehicles etc...
"Reportage on what life is in the trenches on the Western Front. It questions the aim to be achieved in spite of the bloodshed and continuation of dying soldiers in the Belgian killing fields. This re...
Celebration of the centenary of the Belgian Red Cross.
Reich Chancellor Georg Count von Hertling arrives at Imperial Headquarters in Bad Kreuznach with a column of cars; briefing with staff officers in the open air; a walk and departure in the car.
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga lennuk “Voisin” lennuväljal.
Lennuk õhus.
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga hädamaandumise teinud lennuk “Voisin”.
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga hädamaandumise teinud lennuk “Voisin”.
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga lennuk “Mars” remonditelgis.
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga tundmatu lipniku aukraadis ohvitser ning lennukimootor.
Lennuki “Mars” mootor.
Lennuk lendamas.
Die Kommunalisierung, Der Kinematograph, 672, (1919), S. 32-33. Plädoyer gegen die Pläne der Verstaatlichung aller Kinos. Die Verstaatlichung schade nur dem Staat, blähe die Bürokratie unnötig au...