Film recapitulation of the private and political life of the first president of the Czechoslovak Republic, T. G. Masaryk, starts with a drawing of his natal house located in the town of Hodonín, foll...
A depiction of an evolution of an agricultural movement and development through a rough critique of bourgeoisie and capitalism. It particularly reflects the transformative years of 1848, 1918 and 1945...
The year 1928 was marked by celebrations of the tenth anniversary of foundation of the Czechoslovak Republic. On Malostranské Square there was unveiled the Memorial of the French politician and histo...
The year 1928 - it is above all marked by celebrations of the tenth anniversary of foundation of the Czechoslovak Republic. There were several ceremonies organized in Prague to celebrate this event. -...
2nd February 1920. In front of the Wilson Railway Station in Prague the Inspector-General of the Czechoslovak Army Josef Svatopluk Machar, French General Maurice César Joseph Pellé, General Otakar H...
Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk met Czechoslovak volunteers in Darney during his travelling home.
Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk met Czechoslovak volunteers in Darney during his travelling home.
Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk met Czechoslovak volunteers in Darney during his travelling home.
Czechoslovak volunteers in Darney greet Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk.
President Masaryk : k jubileu sedmdesátých narozenin. -- v Praze : Tiskový odbor předsednictva ministerské rady, 1920. -- x p., 57 l. : ill. The picture book, published on the 70th anniversary o...