Un bambino fiorentino, nelle ore notturne, aiuta non visto il padre nel suo lavoro di scrivano. Ben presto, a causa delle veglie, il piccolo scrivano trascura i suoi compiti scolastici finendo con l�...
Episode of the monthly series of stories from the book Cuore of Edmondo De Amicis. In the town hall there is a solemn ceremony of handing over the medal for civil valor. The winner is a Piedmont boy w...
On a ship bound for Genoa there is a boy in rags is a small Padua, who was sold by his parents to a company of acrobats and had been forced, in order to feed themselves, to do all the work in the circ...
Film Artistica Gloria was the first cinematographic company to understand that for the cinema to support the war effort during the First World War it was not sufficient to resort, as most of the...
Cinema italiano - Cinema muto - Scena - Ritratti