Resyme of the Ekofisk oil exploration and production history in the North Sea. From the beginning and up to the first oil being brought ashore.
Safety procedures and working conditions on oil rigs in the Norwegian North Sea. Features footage of rig operation, the diving crew, and safety measures taken on the 'Ekofisk' rig, operated by Phill...
Company newsreel (Phillips Petroleum Company Norway) : sale of scrap iron after operation jack-up : water injection project : tank wall : 10th anniversary of Emden gas terminal
Company newsreel (Phillips Petroleum Company Norway) : operation jack-up : finishing 2/4 K : lubricants : interview with minister of the church Peter Skans etc.
Company newsreel (Phillips Petroleum Company Norway) : status on operation jack-up : company offices in Defsil, Netherlands : pump station 37/4 A
Company newsreel (Phillips Petroleum Company Norway) : emergency helicopter landing (Super Puma), construction of tank wall in the Netherlands : a new block : the Seaway Harrier on a clearing-up opera...