This film is a parody of the TV series The Night Rider, where the hero tries to become like his famous colleague Michael Knight. Michael Sharp-Eyed is deeply mired in debt, and while almost on the ver...
After a concert for his fellow townsmen, the leader of a rock band (Sotiris Tzevelekos) goes to Athens. There he meets Eva (Vina Asiki) and gets a job in her father’s hotel (Giannis Gkionakis). In o...
Two mad doctors buy the sperm of Tamtakos (Michalis Mosios) to perform various experiments. They create a baby which, in just moments, becomes a normal man. The baby looks exactly like Tamtakos, but c...
Makis is obsessed with soccer and ignores his father’s admonitions to get a decent job. His sister Nasia is having an affair with Nikitas, son of shipowner Aristotelis Archos, who is into car racing...
A housemaid named Katerina (Christina Sylva) loses her job when her employer (Efi Oikonomou) discovers that she (Katerina) was secretly sending letters to her husband (Errikos Briolas). Looking for a ...
The small community on an island in the Cyclades is divided because of the hatred between two captains (Lavrentis Dianellos and Theodoros Moridis). After one of them dies, his daughter Mandalena (Alik...
A tenant (Ntinos Iliopoulos) residing on 288 Stournara Street narrates the ordinary stories of the people who live in the building. We learn about their life in the big city, their problems, amusing i...
A literature professor gets a job at a high school famous for its untamed students and suffers from their pranks. When he falls in love with one of his students, however, he reveals another side of hi...