I. FROM THE SOVIET UNION Leningrad - the "Stalin" metallurgical plant. – II. IN MEMORY OF VELA PEEVA Shots of Velingrad. A rally outside the city on the occasion of the anniversary of the death of t...
I. USSR. Karakum Desert in Turkmenistan. Geophysicists are doing research on oil. Drilling towers.– II. Dimitrovgrad. A Soviet cultural delegation, led by Academician Konstantin Scriabin, visits the...
I. USSR. Moscow. All-Union Agricultural Exhibition. Delegates from China observe. Delegates from Korea, led by Agriculture Minister Kim Il. The delegates of Indonesia. II. Sofia Airport. An Albanian g...
I. Bryansk region, USSR. Tobacco fields of the Pogar plant. Growing tobacco cigars under special tents. The plant. Shop. Sorting the leaves. A machine makes cigars. Cigar boxes.– II. December 21, 19...
I. USSR. Moscow. The Kremlin Palace. Signing of an economic cooperation agreement between the USSR and Yugoslavia by Anastas Mikoyan, First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and ...
I. Egypt. Shots of Alexandria and Cairo. A political rally. President Gamal Abdel Nasser announces the nationalization of the Suez Canal. Destruction in Egyptian cities. English war cars and ships rea...