A crook (Dionysis Papagiannopoulos) meets in prison a young man who has inherited a rocky islet. With the assistance of his friend (Aleka Stratigou), they try to sell the islet to a rich American. The...
Michalios (Kostas Chatzichristos) joins the Special Forces pretending to be his cousin in order to fulfill his army duty (Stavros Paravas). When the truth is revealed, the commander (Vasilis Avlonitis...
Eighteen-year-old Sasha and his younger friends Kotsian and Panagiotis are in the center of a group of Russian-Pontian migrants from Kazakhstan who live in Menidi and dream of conquering the world. Sa...
Through his imagination, a writer experiences a series of sexual fantasies, parricide, castration and his own death. At the end of this imaginary journey, he is ready to write his new book.
A Special Forces officer (Nikos Xanthopoulos) leaves for the Korean War without having married the girl (Martha Vourtsi) he loves. He returns to Greece severely injured and having lost his memory. His...
A girl (Kakia Analyti), trapped in the world of the night, hopes to be able to escape the gutter with the help of a young man (Andreas Barkoulis). However, it turns out that he is a man of the underwo...
An active building contractor (Marika Krevata) hires an unsuccessful private detective, Pantelis (Stavros Paravas). His mission is to sabotage her competitor, Bastounas (Dimitris Nikolaïdis), who is ...
Kostas and Aliki differ from the rest of the seven members of their group of friends, which is why they are called “the goody-goodies”. One night, Stelios and Stefanos drag them to a wild party at...