The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film synopsis: The film is set in 1802 and tells the story of Hans Bückler, called "Schinderhannes", who during the Napoleonic Wars, fought against...
Duel in the Forest The film is set in 1802 and tells the story of Hans Bückler, called "Schinderhannes", who during the Napoleonic Wars, fought against the French occupiers and landowners w...
Curd Jürgens, Maria Schell
German movie poster of "Der Schinderhannes" (1958)
Christian Wolff
German movie poster of "Der Schinderhannes" (1958)
Curd Jürgens, Joseph Offenbach (v.l.n.r.)
Christian Wolff (vorne, links)
Curd Jürgens, Maria Schell
"Der Schinderhannes" (1958)