Documentary film about Bernhard Wicki, a defining actor and film maker in German cinema and contemporary history. Blending cultural and film history, the film is searching for the traces of one of the...
1 - la Bergman taglia il nastro perl'inaugurazione del set del film "La vendetta della signora"; accanto all'attrice Antony Quinne Vicki
2 - arco di palloncini sul set di Cinecittà
Vicki fu...
Bernhard Wicki
Bernhard Wicki
Bernhard Wicki
"Prinzenbad" (1994)
"Das zweite Leben" (1954)
Bernhard Wicki in "Die linkshändige Frau" (1977)
German movie poster of "Unruhige Nacht" (1958)
German movie poster of "Tierarzt Dr. Vlimmen" (1956)