Unidentified documentary showing the activities of the Italian troops during the Italo-Turkish War.
Episode of the series produced by Comerio dedicated to the Italo-Turk war. It features the departure of Lt. Paolo Solaroli’s body from Africa to Italy. The video is a copy from the film print preser...
Newsreel on the so called Italian imperial war in Libia
Thirteenth series of documentaries produced by Cines on the Italo-Turkish war.
Twentieth series of newsreels produced by Cines on the Italo-Turkish war.
Prima guerra mondiale sul fronte della guerra italo-turca. Torpediniere turche si rifugiano nel porto di Suez per sfuggire alle navi italiane. Le navi "Puglia", "Aretusa" e "Calabria" entrano ne...
Restored in collaboration with Fondazione Cineteca Italiana.
Documentary about the Italian-Turkish war which opens with a chronicle of the famous conquest of Ain-Zara in December 1911.